What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a natural state of altered consciousness. Contrary to popular belief, being in hypnosis does not mean being asleep. You remain fully aware of your surroundings and the events around you. In other words, you hear everything that happens without being asleep.

The hypnotherapist may sometimes use phrases like “Sleep” or “Wake up!” to facilitate entry into this state of deep relaxation. However, these are simply verbal shortcuts.

During a Hypnosis Session

During a hypnosis session, you remain aware while experiencing deep relaxation. This state allows you to perceive problematic situations more clearly, without the usual distractions.

Hypnosis in Everyday Life

Did you know that you have probably already been in a state of hypnosis without realizing it? For example, when you are absorbed in driving, walking on a familiar path, or watching a movie, you sometimes enter an “automatic” mode, which is a natural hypnotic state.

Even in a deep state of hypnosis, you never do anything against your moral values or that endangers your life. You remain in control and can exit this state at any time if you wish.

Contrary to what many believe, no one can hypnotize you against your will. Hypnosis is about guiding, not controlling. Anyone can be hypnotized, provided they work with a skilled hypnotherapist.

The Benefits of Hypnosis

Hypnosis relies on imagination, sensitivity, and receptiveness. A positive attitude and an open mind are key elements to achieving your goals.

After a hypnosis session, it is common to hear: “I feel incredibly calm,” “I feel deep tranquility,” or “I feel revitalized and relaxed.”

In short, hypnosis is a powerful method for accessing a state of inner well-being while remaining in control.

Hypnosis can be used for relief:

  • Stress
  • Managing anxiety and worries
  • Weight loss
  • Smoking
  • Fears and phobias
  • Depression, fatigue,
  • Anxiety
  • Chronic Pain
  • See liste

Hypnosis can be used to encourage:

  • The release of negative emotional behaviors
  • Self Confidence
  • Changing eating habits (eating less, quitting sugar)
  • Improving self-confidence
  • Ease in public speaking
  • Taking an exam or driving license
  • And much, much more!

Feel free to access my agenda to book your session  or call. 076 504 9072 | maude@maudefavre.com