Hypnosis for children

Hypnosis to help your child overcome fears and blockages

Hypnosis is a gentle and non-intrusive method to help your child overcome fears and blockages.

Is your child losing confidence, having temper tantrums, refusing to go to school, wetting the bed, or not wanting to sleep alone? In a child’s inner world, many emotions can cause great distress, leaving parents feeling helpless in the face of their child’s reactions. Finding help and a real solution can sometimes feel like a daunting task.

It’s easy to think that your child’s behavior is simply “being difficult,” but this is often not the case. When these behaviors become recurrent, it’s clear that the problem lies elsewhere. Punishments, restrictions, and authority will not solve the issue. The child is experiencing intense emotions, sometimes misunderstood or misinterpreted by adults. What may have worked during our own upbringing may no longer be suitable for today’s children.

Today’s children are much more receptive and sensitive than previous generations. Their perceptions and feelings are truly different. Inner insecurity and frustration are difficult emotions to manage, and the consequences are reflected in behavior: lack of concentration, crying fits, anger, nightmares, stress, loss of appetite, or bedwetting.

How does hypnosis help your child?

Through hypnosis, your child will feel calmer and more at peace. They will be able to release their stress, fears, and blockages. The release of emotions happens gently, by opening the doors to their imagination and dreams. Generally, children are naturally very receptive to hypnotic suggestions.

FAQ: Does my child sleep during the session?

No, your child remains fully awake. They can play, talk, and still be in a state of altered consciousness, known as hypnosis.

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Hypnosis against anxiety

How can hypnosis help overcome anxiety?

Anxiety can manifest on different levels, both physically and mentally. Most people experience anxiety when faced with stressful situations or changes, but it can also be triggered by invisible, imperceptible, and unpredictable factors.

Whether anxiety is related to relationship issues, professional challenges, emotional concerns, or worries about death, health, or loved ones, it is often irrational. Even mild anxiety can significantly impact daily life, disrupting inner balance and stability. It creates major blockages, along with sadness and stress.

Hypnosis is an effective tool for treating anxiety disorders. It helps identify the emotional cause of anxiety and changes the perception of triggering events. Through hypnosis, a profound sense of relief can be felt, along with a renewed sense of self-confidence.

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